Software Engineering
Perfecting your craft is one of the most important things that you can do. You spend a large amount of your life at work, so you might as well be good at what you do. This page is a collection of resources that have helped me to become better at mine.
Advice I’ve Recieved
Find a mentor and learn everything that you can from them.
Like a company needs different CEOs at different stages of the companies life, you need different mentors at different stages of your career.
“Ship it!” or “Build. Build. Build.”
Slow down. Think about the problem you’re solving. Give problems the respect that they deserve.
Guide to Debugging: I’ve been looking for a guide like this for a long time and Julia Evans has provided a brilliant one. Follow her advice and you can’t go wrong.
Talks / Lectures
I re-read sections of these books frequently.
Mythical Man Month (Brooks)
Clean Code (Martin)
The Design of Everyday Things (Norman)
Software Engineering (Sommerville)
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (Russell & Norvig)
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman)
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Fowler)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (GoF)
Blog Roll
Blog rolls aren’t really a thing anymore, but here is a list to get you started. I’ve learnt a lot from these blogs.
Overreacted (Dan Abramov): Dan works at Meta on the React (front end JavaScript framework) team. He is an interesting guy, and I always enjoy reading his posts.